RFC-0004: Fulltext Search
- Author
- Ford Nickels
- RFC pull request
- Obsoletes (if applicable)
- -
- Date of submission
- 2020-01-05
- Date of approval
- 2020-02-10
- Approved by
- Jannis Pohlmann
- Summary
- Goals & Motivation
- Urgency
- Terminology
- Detailed Design
- Compatibility
- Drawbacks and Risks
- Alternatives
- Open Questions
The fulltext search filter type is a feature of the GraphQL API that allows subgraph developers to specify language-specific, lexical, composite filters that end users can use in their queries. The fulltext search feature examines all words in a document, breaking it into individual words and phrases (lexical analysis), and collapsing variations of words into a single index term (stemming.)
Goals & Motivation
The current set of string filters available in the GraphQL API is lacking fulltext search capabilities that enable efficient searches across entities and attributes. Wildcard string matching does provide string filtering, but users have come to expect the easy to use filtering that comes with fulltext search systems.
To facilitate building effective user interfaces human-user friendly query filtering is essential. Lexical, composite fulltext search filters can provide the tools necessary for front-end developers to implement powerful search bars that filter data across multiple fields of an Entity.
The proposed feature aims to provide tools for subgraph developers to define composite search APIs that can search across multiple fields and entities.
A delay in adding the fulltext search feature will not create issues with current deployments. However, the feature will represent a realization of part of the long term vision for the query network. In addition, several high profile users have communicated that it may be a conversion blocker. Implementation should be prioritized.
lexeme: a basic lexical unit of a language, consisting of one word or several words, considered as an abstract unit, and applied to a family of words related by form or meaning.
morphology (linguistics): the study of words, how they are formed, and their relationship to other words in the same language.
fulltext search index: the result of lexical and morphological analysis (stemming) of a set of text documents. It provides frequency and location for the language-specific stems found in the text documents being indexed.
ranking algorithm: "Ranking attempts to measure how relevant documents are to a particular query, so that when there are many matches the most relevant ones can be shown first." - Postgres Documentation
- standard ranking: ranking based on the number of matching lexemes.
- cover density ranking: Cover density is similar to the standard fulltext search ranking except that the proximity of matching lexemes to each other is taken into consideration. This function requires lexeme positional information to perform its calculation, so it ignores any "stripped" lexemes in the index.
Detailed Design
Subgraph Schema
Part of the power of the fulltext search API is the flexibility, so it is important to expose a simple interface to facilitate useful applications of the index and aim to reduce the need to create new subgraphs for the express purpose of updating fulltext search fields.
For each fulltext search API a subgraph developer must be able to specify:
1. a language (specified using an ISO 639-1
2. a set of text document fields to include,
3. relative weighting for each field,
4. a choice of ranking algorithm for sorting query result items.
The proposed process of adding one or more fulltext search API involves
adding one or more fulltext directive to the _Schema_
type in the
subgraph's GraphQL schema. Each fulltext definition will have four
required top level parameters: name
, language
, algorithm
, and
. The fulltext search definitions will be used to generate
query fields on the GraphQL schema that will be exposed to the end user.
Enabling fulltext search across entities will be a powerful abstraction that allows users to search across all relevant entities in one query. Such a search will by definition have polymorphic results. To address this, a union type will be generated in the schema for the fulltext search results.
Validation of the fulltext definition will ensure that all fields referenced in the directive are valid String type fields. With subgraph composition it will be possible to easily create new subgraphs that add specific fulltext search capabilities to an existing subgraph.
Example fulltext search definition:
type _Schema_
name: "media"
name: "search",
language: EN, # variant of `_FullTextLanguage` enum
algorithm: RANKED, # variant of `_FullTextAlgorithm` enum
include: [
entity: "Band",
fields: [
{ name: "name", weight: 5 },
entity: "Album",
fields: [
{ name: "title", weight: 5 },
entity: "Musician",
fields: [
{ name: "name", weight: 10 },
{ name: "bio", weight: 5 },
The schema generated from the above definition:
union _FulltextMediaEntity = ...
union _FulltextSearchEntity = Band | Album | Musician
type Query {
search(text: String!, first: Int, skip: Int, block: Block_height): [FulltextSearchResultItem!]!
GraphQL Query interface
End users of the subgraph will have access to the fulltext search
queries alongside the other queries available for each entity in the
subgraph. In the case of a fulltext search defined across multiple
inline fragments
may be used in the query to deal with the polymorphic result items. In
the front-end the __typename
field can be used to distinguish the
concrete entity types of the returned results.
In the text
parameter supplied to the query there will be several operators
available to the end user. Included are the and, or, and proximity operators
, |
, <->
.) The special, proximity operator allows clients to specify
the maximum distance between search terms: foo<3>bar
is equivalent to
requesting that foo
and bar
are at most three words apart.
Example query using inline fragments and the proximity operator:
query {
search(text: "Bob<3>run") {
... on Band { name label { id } }
... on Album { title numberOfTracks }
... on Musician { name bio }
Tools and Design
Fulltext search query system implementations often involve specific systems for storing and querying the text documents; however, in an effort to reduce system complexity and feature implementation time I propose starting with extending the current store interface and storage implemenation with fulltext search features rather than use a fulltext specific interface and storage system.
A FullText search field will get its own column in a table dedicated to fulltext data. The data stored will be the result of the lexical, morphological analysis of text documents performed on the fields included in the index. The fulltext search field will be created using the Postgres ts_vector function and will be indexed using a GIN index. The subgraph developer will define a ranking algorithm to be used to sort query results,so the end-user facing API remains easy to use without any requirement to understand the ranking algorithms.
This proposal does not change any existing interfaces, so no migrations will be necessary for existing subgraph deployments.
Drawbacks and Risks
The proposed solution uses native Postgres fulltext features and there is a nonzero probability this choice results in slower than optimal write and read times; however the tradeoff in implementation time/complexity and the existence of production use case testimonials tempers my apprehension here.
In future phases of the network the storage layer may get a redesign with indexes being overhauled to facilitate query result verification. Postgres based fulltext search implementation would not be translatable to another storage system, so at the least a reevaluation of the tools used for analysis, indexing, and querying would be required.
An alternative design for the feature would allow more flexibility for Graph Node operators in their index implementation and create a marketplace for indexes. In the alternate, the definition of fulltext search indexes could be moved out of the subgraph schema. The subgraph would be deployed without them and they could be added later using a new Graph Explorer interface (in Hosted-Service context) or a JSON-RPC request directly to a Graph Node. Moving the creation of fulltext search indexes/queries out of the schema would mean that that the definition of uniqueness for a subgraph does not include the custom indexes, so a new subgraph deployment and subgraph re-syncing work does not have to be added in order to create or update an index. However, it also introduces significant added complexity. A separate query marketplace and discovery registry would be required for finding nodes with the needed subgraph-index combination.
Open Questions
Full-text search queries introduce new issues with maintaining query result determinism which will become a more potent issue with the decentralized network. A fulltext search query and a dataset are not enough to determine the output of the query, the index is vital to establish a deterministic causal relationship to the output data. Query verification will need to take into account the query, the index, the underlying dataset, and the query result. Can we find a healthy compromise between being prescriptive about the indexes and algorithms in order to allow formal verification and allowing indexer node operators to experiment with algorithms and indexes in order to continue to improve query speed and results?
Since a fulltext search field is purely derivative of other Entity data the addition or update of an @fulltext directive does not require a full blockchain resync, rather the index itself just needs to be rebuilt. There is room for optimization in the future by allowing fulltext search definition updates without requiring a full subgraph resync.